Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tracking Walk in the Manchester-Essex Conservation Area: Sunday, February 27

[Racoon print from the March 2004 Citizen Science trip]

Gwen just sent me this announcement:
Sunday, February 27, 1:00 pm

This walk is part of the Greenbelt Monthly Walk

Bring a sense of adventure as we search out
the tracks and sign of the many mammals that
make their home in and around the Cedar Swamp
area of the Manchester-Essex Conservation Area.
Families and children welcome.

From Route 128, take Exit 15 toward Essex.
Meet at the pullout area, approximately 1/2 mile
down on the left.

We will be out for about 2 hours, and may be
standing still at we look at and talk about various
things, so dress warmly.

If you wish, bring a pencil and notepad, water,
measuring tape or ruler, binoculars, camera, and
field guides.
...sadly, I may be in Connecticut that day. I hope to be at the next walk, though.
Posted by Hello

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